Chicken Liver: Cooked Vs Raw? - TheCatSite.com
Nov 16, 2018 · What are the pros and cons of feeding cats and kittens cooked vs. raw chicken livers? We got some kittens and a couple of adults in from a bad situation that had a lot of fleas, so many that most of them are anemic. We got them to a vet last night and she said that, along with the medicine she...
Eating chicken wings, raw? - TheCatSite.com
Apr 18, 2014 · Raw chicken bones don't usually splinter like cooked bones. The primal risk is cats choking on meaty bones. I think it depends on cats how safely they handle chicken wings. Some cats never have any problems eating them. Others have to learn how to properly chew bones. They may gag on bony parts at first when they try to swallow whole.
raw chicken thighs? - TheCatSite.com
Mar 7, 2009 · i have just started to feed the farm cats raw instead of friskies wet. got some chicken from costco, but all they had was boneless chicken thighs and breasts. how good are the chicken thighs for cats? are the chicken breasts better or worse than the thighs? also, do i get some meat from the...
Raw wings for dental health? - TheCatSite.com
Mar 7, 2008 · As part of a completely raw diet, my cats eat three bone-in meals a week; usually, two of those meals consist of chicken wings and one of chicken ribs, though occasionally, I'll serve a meal of rabbit bones and ribs. I don't believe bone-in meals could be incorporated into a wholly-commercial diet, because that food already has a bone substitute and adding to it could …
Can one feed too many raw chicken hearts? - TheCatSite.com
Nov 12, 2015 · Only one of my four cats will eat "for real" raw food - they all like to eat Primal freeze-dried & frozen, but only one will eat actual raw meat! I've gotten him chicken hearts & gizzards before from the butcher and he loves them! There's a chance you could give him too much sodium, but it would take a lot of hearts to reach that level. From what I've read, you can …
Vomiting Raw Food - Oh Dear! - TheCatSite.com
Dec 5, 2013 · Hi, I am transitioning my cats to raw (or at least attempting to). I'm following Dr Becker's recipes, using chicken meat from local, responsible free-range farmers. My girl is a fussy madam, so I'll be asking some questions on my transitioning methods in another post, but really, I …
Raw Chicken Livers - TheCatSite.com
Aug 3, 2017 · Chicken livers are an excellent addition just like clean liver is a great addition to our (human) diet for our non-vegetarian friends, but a diet that is extremely high (bulk) in livers is not good.
Cat throws up after raw chicken - TheCatSite.com
May 19, 2010 · Does anyone else have a cat that will throw up after eating raw chicken but not cooked chicken or raw beef? If it were an allergy, I imagine that he would throw up after eating chicken cooked or raw. Chicken liver and chicken heart don't seem to bother him, just chicken muscle. He has a...
Is Feeding Raw Chicken Necks Enough To Clean My Cat’s Teeth?
Aug 23, 2017 · I know of many cats and dogs that have terrible rotten teeth and have to get their teeth cleaned by a vet and such. I’m trying to prevent that by feeding my cat raw chicken necks around every 5th meal. So around 2 times per week. But is that enough to clean her teeth. Her teeth do look good...
My Cat Eats Chicken Drumsticks - Bones and All! - TheCatSite.com
Mar 29, 2011 · I've been feeding him chicken parts since he was a kitten (mostly because it's only $0.49/lb) and he loves drumsticks. He's got his drumstick-eating-technique down. He starts at the base end (the end a human would hold) and methodically crunches his way from there to the meaty end, eating every...