A 28-year-old was definitively sentenced to six years in prison with simultaneous placement in a forensic-therapeutic ...
Ein 28-Jähriger ist am Montag am Wiener Straflandesgericht wegen versuchter Vergewaltigung zu sechs Jahren Haft bei gleichzeitiger Unterbringung in einer forensisch-therapeutischen Einrichtung ...
In the second quarter of 2024, Austrians wrote a total of 26 billion chat messages, which represents an increase of over eight percent or two billion compared to the previous year. "Spread over a ...
After an acquittal at the Vienna Regional Court in a trial involving an allegedly abused twelve-year-old, there have been reactions that have been rarely seen before. The outrage was great in some ...
Nach einem Freispruch am Wiener Landesgericht in einem Prozess um eine mutmaßlich missbrauchte Zwölfjährige ist es zu bisher selten da gewesenen Reaktionen gekommen. In einigen Boulevardmedien ...
The announcement by the drugstore chain dm to introduce an online marketplace for pharmacy-required, non-prescription drugs in Germany is initially viewed with caution by the Austrian subsidiary.
Die ÖVP hat "befremdet" auf die Äußerungen der FPÖ-Abgeordneten Stefan und Tschank über die Volkspartei und die EU reagiert, die sie laut "Standard" als "jämmerlich" und als Institution, aus ...
In Lainzer Street (Vienna-Hietzing), a garden shed was engulfed in flames in the night to Tuesday. During the extinguishing work, the emergency services found a charred body in the rubble.
A 37-year-old Viennese man, who had been obtaining files containing child abuse material from the internet, including the darknet, from 2019 until August 2023, was held accountable at the Regional ...
Ein 37-jähriger Wiener, welcher sich seit 2019 bis zum August 2023 im Internet und dabei auch im Darknet Dateien mit Missbrauchsmaterial von unmündigen Kindern verschafft hatte, ist am Dienstag ...
Have you ever wondered which household appliances consume the most electricity and thus cost a lot of money? We reveal to you eight appliances with the highest consumption for your wallet and the ...