Factors that contribute to burnout include having little control over decisions, long-standing stressful situations, and a perceived lack of support from leaders.
These studies offer a useful view of the problem of burnout as well as solutions for organizational change. There is consistency among researchers as far as the definition of burnout, and most tend to ...
In patients with sarcoidosis, increased exposure to fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide was linked to worse DLCO percent predicted.
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is recommending that the age for pneumococcal vaccination be lowered to 50 years.
Home invasive mechanical ventilation (HIMV) for chronic respiratory insufficiency is rare in Finland, where extended NIV is now preferred.
During August 2021 to August 2023, the prevalence of adult hypertension was 47.7 percent, with hypertension higher in men than women.
Researchers say they have identified several prognostic factors for patients with LS-SCLC receiving chemoradiotherapy.