The new material could be key to finally building a successful fusion reactor.
The Provence-based ITER project is expected to begin delivering power in 2035, and will become the world's biggest reactor once completed. Meanwhile, the SPARC nuclear fusion reactor ...
Chinese researchers set a new record by sustaining a nuclear fusion reaction at 100 million degrees Celsius for 1,066 seconds. China invests nearly double the U.S. in fusion research, with Energy ...
The experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) fusion energy reactor set a new record at Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province.
Specialists call SPARC a “tokamak,” a Russian word for a device using magnetic field for thermal nuclear fusion ... at a real reactor,” said Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory research ...
One milestone for late 2025 could be the completion of the Sparc reactor being built by the company Commonwealth Fusion in Massachusetts, with the goal being to make more energy than it takes to ...
Now, a new and compact fusion reactor in Spain—the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak, or SMART—is further experimenting with ...
In this final segment of RealClearScience's interview with Laban Conblentz, Head of Communication at ITER, Coblentz shares ...
The nuclear fusion firm aims to advance its cost-effective tech with a funding deal, as Chinese competition grows in the ...
The new era of nuclear power generation greater than the force of the Sun has arrived and is ready for deployment. For the ...