Donald Trump a fost învestit, luni, 20 ianuarie, în al doilea mandat de președinte la Casa Albă. Experții consultați de „Adevărul” au vorbit despre ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru România și pentru ...
How fast can you put one foot in front of the other? Walking might seem like a no-brainer, but when it comes to fitness, your step count over a short burst of time can reveal a lot about your health ...
Călin Georgescu a lansat un nou atac la adresa NATO și a susținut, într-un interviu acordat conspiraționistului american de extremă dreapta Alex Jones, că actualul secretar general al Alianței ...
Pașaportul românesc este unul dintre cele mai puternice documente de călătorie din lume. România va ocupa locul șase în top, după ce țara noastră a fost acceptată în programul Visa Waiver, iar românii ...
Steppin blocks your social media apps unless you walk a certain number of steps each ... Prior to joining the publication in 2021, she was a telecom reporter at MobileSyrup. Aisha holds an honours ...
Waving Romania’s blue, yellow, and red flags, demonstrators honked car horns and held placards with slogans like “Democracy is not optional” and “We want free elections.” Many demanded that the ...
A stunning beach in Northumberland, known to attract a famous face or two and being in the shadow of a landmark used for a number in blockbuster movies, has just been named the best winter walk in ...
Romanian authorities in the seaside town of Costinești, on the Black Sea coast, have commissioned the widening of the beach to about 100 meters in width and 2.7 kilometers in length, with new ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Protesters walk holding Romanian flags during a rally organized by the right wing Alliance for the Unity of ...
Tens of thousands protested in Romania's capital on Sunday against a top court's decision last month to annul the presidential election after an outsider candidate unexpectedly emerged as the ...
God bless Romania! God bless America!”, a conchis el. Un eveniment oficial a avut loc, vineri, la Washington, D.C., pentru a marca includerea României în Programul Visa Waiver. De asemenea, ...