Officials have promised to be tough on unscrupulous landlords and letting agents running overcrowded houses in the city which ...
Portsmouth Community Power has about 11,500 ratepayers, Tabor said. Since launching in early 2023, Community Power has ...
Portsmouth’s Liberal Democrats have slammed the Labour government for failing to support local councils, warning that local ...
Council will hear a third reading and may take a vote on authorizing the build of a new platform and curb modification on Roy ...
"We're going to do everything within our ability and power to ensure that we support not only our children but our leadership ...
Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer is recruiting mayors in South Hampton Roads and plans to reach out to mayors on Peninsula to ...
The Housing Authority’s preliminary site plan calls for building a four-story “L-shaped building” at the back of the property ...
A Virginia Beach veteran and business owner is suing the Virginia Beach Police Department for unlawful seizure.
Portsmouth official explains $3 million-plus impact on city if the Trump administration's federal funding freeze is enacted.
Portsmouth schools Superintendent Zach McLaughlin says the equivalent of 15 teachers would be cut if a 2.9% budget cap is ...
There's no question about it, McDonald's is the most successful restaurant in the history of the world. The company isn't worth millions, but billions, nearly $150 billion, and that number keeps ...
A funding package is moving forward in Portsmouth City Council with the goal of building a splash pad in Market Square.