Let’s take a look at sunrise and sunset times in Miami when daylight saving time takes effect March 9, 2025, and then through the months until the next time change, when we “fall back” and return to ...
The causes of obesity are complex and influenced by many factors. While research has highlighted connections between sleep, eating patterns and weight gain, scientists remain uncertain of the role of ...
A new study has unveiled the profound impact of varying photoperiods on the circadian rhythm and photosynthetic efficiency of tea plants, offering a ...
Atomic clocks are more accurate than those used to define the second, suggesting the definition might need to change ...
The key is to use a light hand and choose a formula that complements your skin type. Cream or liquid highlighters often work ...
Makeup is more than just a tool to enhance our features; it’s a powerful ally in the quest to maintain youthful vibrancy.
Each week we pay tribute to the loved ones remembered in our area with a funeral notice and online tribute page. To read the latest announcements and add tributes to those from our area who have ...