Jordan, with a population of over 70% Palestinians, sits principally on land set aside during the British Palestine Mandate to create a new Arab state that was to sit next to the Jewish one.
Jewish titles and claims are based on the Balfour Declaration and its confirmation in the terms of the Mandate: ‘The Allies viewed with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home ...
The protest is being organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, with thousands of people slowly walking holding signs ...
Jordan, with a population of over 70% Palestinians, sits principally on land set aside during the British Palestine mandate to create a new Arab state that was to sit next to the Jewish one.
The photographs cover the final years of the Ottoman Empire, World War I, the establishment of the British Mandate of Palestine, the large-scale European Jewish immigration under the British ...
The mandate state was well into its second decade, with the contours of British governance and Arab and Zionist contestation firmly and clearly established. The territory of Palestine—mentioned in the ...
sits principally on land set aside during the British Palestine Mandate to create a new Arab state that was to sit next to the Jewish one. We already have a two-state solution. We just choose to ...
EXCLUSIVE: MAD Distribution, the pan-Arab releasing arm of Cairo-based pan-Arab film company MAD Solutions, has acquired all ...
Partial transcript of a debate among King Farouk I of Egypt, President Shukri Kuwatly of Syria, President Bechara Khoury of ...
and re-affirmed by the Mandate of the League of Nations, which gave explicit international recognition to the historic connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and their right to ...
Netanyahu has dispatched a delegation to Doha to discuss the Gaza ceasefire, though its mandate remains limited.
Hammoudi, Sanaa Mohammad. 2008. Mafhūm al-Kiyādah as-Siyāsiyah fi Falastīn fi 'Ahd al-Intidāb al-Britani (Kiyādat al-Haj Amin al-Husseini) [The Concept of Political Leadership in Palestine during the ...