Loggerhead turtles “dance” when exposed to food-associated magnetic fields, and their magnetic map may help them return to specific areas after long migrations.
In 2024, much of the world focused on rising air temperatures, but something similar was boiling beneath the waves.
Four Seasons Oahu Vs. Ritz-Carlton Oahu Turtle Bay? Four Seasons Oahu is one of the best Four Seasons in Hawaii.
China trade war will likely keep eastbound trans-Pacific container rates elevated as shippers pull imports forward.
An unexpected radioactive discovery beneath the Pacific Ocean seabed may provide researchers with a new global geologic time ...
As they circumnavigate the ocean, the skippers in the Vendee Globe might be noticing a very different ocean than they have in ...
When Palacio and her team examined coral reefs after the 2015–2016 heat wave, they found that particular corals called ...
A coastline is the interface between the land and the sea, and there the land is always in flux, subject to oceans’ and ...
A series of gales and strong winds coming across the Pacific Ocean are forecasted to bring rain, wind, snow and swell to the ...
Discover interesting facts about how big earthquakes can get, why earthquakes happen, and why they're so hard to predict.
La Niña has made a long-awaited return, cooling the Pacific and stirring up global weather patterns. This natural climate ...
Welcome to Bodega Bay, California, a charming seaside town where time seems to slow down and life takes on a simpler, more relaxed pace. Nestled along the rugged Sonoma Coast, this picturesque fishing ...