One citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina was killed, and another citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina was wounded in a mass ...
After a new arrest in the fight against corruption, it is also known who was arrested from the Ministry of Labour, Employment ...
The House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at its second emergency session held today, ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konaković, stated that the adoption of two European integration ...
Bačić je u inkriminirano vrijeme bio državni tajnik u Kalmetinom ministarstvu, a svoju suradnju s Kalmetom je opisao kao dobru i kolegijalnu. Kazao je da Kalmeta inzistirao na zakonitosti rada Dio ...
Predsjednik Rusije Vladimir Putin izrazio je spremnost za mirovne pregovore s Ukrajinom, no odbio je izravne razgovore s ukrajinskim predsjednikom Volodimirom Zelenskim. ”Bude li on sudjelovao u ...
The Castle of Duke Lazar Sočica is located in Goransko, 7 kilometers from Plužine. It was built in the second half of the 19 th century and the famous Duke of Piva, Lazar Sočica lived in it. The ...
President Aleksandar Vucic said today that attempts to continue attacks on Serbian institutions are behind protesting students bursting into the building of Matica Srpska. Vucic said that the state ...
A man has been killed in a marketplace in Trstenik while attempting to steal beverages from a refrigerator.