Uhren gehören zu den beliebtesten Luxusgütern überhaupt. Ob Rolex, Patek Philippe oder Breitling – die großen Hersteller sind begehrt. Doch auch Uhren größerer Natur erfreuen sich großer Fangemeinden, ...
Golfprofi Lukas Nemecz erlebte bei seiner fünfwöchigen Afrika-Reise eine wilde Achterbahn-Fahrt der Gefühle. Der Steirer startete mit einem ...
Golf pro Lukas Nemecz experienced a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions during his five-week trip to Africa. The Styrian ...
Bei der Villinger Narrozunft entpuppt sich der idyllische Grillplatz als internationale Partyzone. Verschiedenste Gäste mischen den ruhigen Schwarzwaldstrand auf. Und manche Zuschauer schwelgen in nos ...
It's been around for thousands of years yet it's the rise in gut health over the last few years that has brought it back in vogue,” explains Dr Megan Rossi, who goes by The Gut Health Doctor.
Could the key to easing anxiety be hidden in our gut? Scientists have discovered a crucial connection between gut microbes and anxiety-related behavior. Their research suggests that microbial ...
Die 18 Milliarden Neugeld im Private Banking im Schlussquartal und 97 Milliarden im ganzen 2024 wirken gigantisch. Doch auch hier gilt: Alles ist relativ. Die UBS rühmt sich, der weltgrösste Wealth ...
That is true to some extent, but new research on the role of the gut microbiome in ageing is pointing to what would constitute a profound rethink of this relationship. We’re finally working out ...
cuhk.edu.hk Objective The gut microbiota plays a key role in modulating host immune response. We conducted a prospective, observational study to examine gut microbiota composition in association with ...
Gut health is one of the biggest trends in food and beverage. We look at the gut-friendly foods and beverages set to dominate sales this year. The gut health trend continues to dominate food and ...
Just 10 to 15 years ago, the idea of discussing our gut bacteria with our friends probably seemed odd. Today, it is no longer strange to talk about anti-inflammatory diets, prebiotics and ...
In recent years, scientists have found evidence that the gut and the brain communicate through the neurons placed in both organs. Dysfunction in this axis has been linked to psychiatric and ...