Scientists at Lund University analyzed soft tissue from a 183-million-year-old plesiosaur fossil, discovering both smooth and ...
Paleontologists believe that Leioproctus barrydonovani inhabited broadleaf forests surrounding a Miocene maar lake—a crater ...
The discovery of a well-preserved fossil is helping researchers learn more about an iconic Jurassic-period dinosaur.
An apex carnivore was 'king of the ancient Egyptian forest' then mysteriously went extinct.
A nearly complete skull fossil found in Egypt has revealed a new species of Hyaenodonta, an apex carnivore that mysteriously went extinct about 25 million years ago.
A group of fossil collectors have discovered a mass ice age fossil grave buried in Florida's Steinhatchee River.
A 68-million-year-old skull fossil found in Antarctica has revealed the oldest known modern bird, which was likely related to ...
A research team led by Professor Wang Min from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the ...
About 30 million years ago, parts of Egypt were covered in lush forests. Within those trees, lurked an order of fearsome big ...
About half a million years ago, several horses, sloths and armadillos fell into a sinkhole in Florida's Big Bend region and ...
Chinese scientists have unearthed the oldest short-tailed bird fossil, dating back about 150 million years, and this suggests that birds ...
A near-perfect fossilized skull discovered in Antarctica reveals the bridge between prehistoric and modern birds, a new study ...