Among the main concerns is how usage of components like cyanide bombs are impacting the state's mountain lion and black bear ...
Through my years of covering the best outdoor gear, I’ve discovered some really cool brands with some really cool stories ...
A veteran California sheriff and governor hopeful is highlighting one of his biggest career wins happening through a ...
Venison is lean, organic and tasty. In a state overrun by deer, why don't we see this local meat on more menus, and where can you go to get some?
Using visual cues, including colors on wetsuits, seabream in the Mediterranean learned to identify researchers that would ...
Wayne Carlton, who revolutionized the call industry and ultimately elk-hunting strategy, died at home in Colorado last week.
The money we spend on hunting licenses, permits and other fees does more than just ensure future generations can also enjoy ...
The announcement states that approximately 8,400 pheasants, mostly hens, will be released for the final two weeks of pheasant hunting season, which ends on Feb. 28. The birds were purchased from a ...
The agency is planning a unique late season pheasant stocking this month. Pheasant season ends on Feb. 28. More: Winter is a great time to hunt for pheasants with a dog in Pennsylvania.
Therefore, these surplus pheasants will be released a few weeks before the end of the pheasant season to provide late-winter hunting opportunities.” With the stockings tentatively scheduled ...