Antisthenes, Cynic philosopher and tutor of Diogenes, championed simplicity, virtue, and freedom, influencing Stoic thought.
The TikTok generation is rediscovering thinkers both ancient and modern who can help them make sense of the world ...
Because among Greek philosophers there was a growing appreciation for the unity of the divine and for the notion that there may be a single simple divine principle underlying all things.
Many of them did so purely out of self-interest, in order to continue a barbaric trade, but some historical philosophers sought to justify slavery from the best intentions. The great Greek ...
For all the advance this break with mythology marked, Greek philosophy was not even a century old when the mythological traditions effectively pounced on it. Croesus the Lydian had ruled all of Asia ...
Virtue and Justice: Their primary goal should be to create a harmonious society by prioritizing the welfare of all ... philosopher king became a symbol of the ideal ruler, influencing political ...
Ask an ancient Greek philosopher about virtue or friendship and they might well have some very useful suggestions. They’re all dead, of course, but we have their books (or else books written by their ...
Greg Jenner is joined in ancient Greece by Professor Edith Hall and comedian Dan Schreiber to learn all about famous ... the title of the greatest Greek philosopher. If you’re a fan of ancient ...