Pete Carmichael Jr. ’94 may have starred on the baseball diamond for the Eagles, but the NFL is where he’s built his reputation as a brilliant offensive coach.
Matthew O’Brien '00 has spent twenty years providing security for dignitaries around the world.
Shea who gets an intense case of cold feet after her longtime boyfriend proposes with a vintage engagement ring while asking her to marry him. According to her Italian family’s superstitions, an ...
The documentary filmmaker Marissa Aroy ’95 has already won an Emmy. Now she’s at work on an upcoming Smithsonian exhibit.
Inspired by themes of "illumination" and "calling" and using the prayer practice of lectio divina, Laura will help participants reflect on important questions for the year ahead: "Where in our lives ...
An international research team led by a Boston College professor has uncovered a drug and diet pairing that could fight a deadly brain cancer The international team combined a calorie-restricted diet ...
In addition to teaching and conducting research, faculty in the Connell School of Nursing are also involved in clinical practice. More than one third of the faculty are working or volunteering as ...
How do you treat the pain of medical patients who have a history of substance use disorders? Katie Fitzgerald Jones's ...
The majority of Boston College students receive three years of guaranteed housing. Nursing students, Presidential Scholars, and certain student-athletes receive four years of guaranteed housing.
Jordyn Zimmerman may be nonspeaking, but that hasn’t stopped her from becoming a powerhouse advocate for disability rights.
How BC researcher Jier Huang is using tiny molecules to help solve one of the world’s biggest problems—climate change.
Fred Tirrell ’57, PhD’82, spent his career in education. At eighty-nine years old, he published a collection of children’s ...