伊斯坦布尔(亚洲新闻) - ...
After months of clashes with the judiciary, most notably over the imprisonment of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, the ...
Since 13 October, at least five violent incidents have been reported in different parts of the country, most notably in ...
Reactions in Indonesia to the choice of the bishop of Bogor who asked Francis to be removed from the list of bishops who will ...
Le reazioni in Indonesia alla scelta del vescovo di Bogor che ha chiesto a Francesco di essere tolto dalla lista dei presuli ...
From St Peter's Square, the pope shared in the pain due to conflicts in the world and their death numbers, including the ...
Da piazza San Pietro il dolore per i conflitti nel mondo e le loro statistiche di morte, compresa la "cifra spaventosa" degli ...
Th, Fr Gianni Criveller, editorial director of AsiaNews, made the comment following the renewal of the Agreement between the ...
Da piazza San Pietro il dolore per i conflitti nel mondo e le loro statistiche di morte, compresa la "cifra spaventosa" degli ...