Responsible for the Faculty’s promotion and tenure reviews, faculty retention efforts, facilitating dual career positions and peer evaluation of teaching initiatives. Responsible for academic advising ...
Are you entering your first year at UBC Science? Are you a transfer student—from a different faculty or institution? Visit here for steps to guide you through your first year at UBC. Students apply ...
The Faculty of Science is always looking for students to step up to the challenge and get involved with our community. Whether you're looking to gain professional skills, work with motivated peers, or ...
Students who have been approved by Science Advising for “deferred standing” status in a course are expected to sit at the first scheduled time for a make-up exam. As soon as you have been approved for ...
Coho Spawning on the Salmon River. Credit: Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington. Researchers have found that high levels of salt kill fertilized coho salmon eggs, raising concerns about the ...
Beaty Biodiversity Museum Director Wayne Maddison has uncovered 30 to 50 never-before-identified species of jumping spiders as part of a Conservation International expedition to Papua New Guinea. The ...
Humans play a far greater role in the fate of African elephants than habitat, and human conflict in particular has a devastating impact on these largest terrestrial animals, according to a new ...
Researchers at the University of British Columbia and Université de Sherbrooke have discovered that electrons are compelled to move in a preferred direction during the so-called 'pseudogap' phase of ...
Increasing levels of ocean acidity could spell doom for British Columbia's already beleaguered northern abalone, according to the first study to provide direct experimental evidence that changing sea ...
A UBC researcher has turned up the first conclusive explanation for the origin of the Sharktooth Hill bonebed--a massive prehistoric marine mass grave in southern California. The Sharktooth Hill ...
UBC zoologists and researchers at the Smithsonian Institution have discovered a sensory organ in rorqual whales that coordinates its signature lunge-feeding behaviour – and may help explain their ...
University of British Columbia researchers have uncovered the unique survival mechanisms of a marine organism that may be tiny, but in some ways has surpassed sharks in its predatory efficiency.