The Kumbh Mela, which began January 13 in Prayagraj, northern India, is a 45-day Hindu pilgrimage during which millions of ...
Bishop Joseph Shen Bin led the faithful in celebrating the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and the start of the Jubilee Year ...
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, calls for ceasefire and solidarity as he meets papal representatives ...
After several days navigating between the Libyan coast and Europe, the Ocean Viking teams rescued 25 shipwreck survivors.
The National Bishops' Conference of Cameroon has urged leaders to address “scandalous impoverishment,” highlighting ...
The Kumbh Mela, which began January 13 in Prayagraj, northern India, is a 45-day Hindu pilgrimage during which millions of Hindus immerse themselves in the sacred Ganges River to cleanse their sins.
Religieuse de la Congrégation des Sœurs missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique (Sœurs blanches), sœur Vickness Muleya est ...
Au terme d'une Assemblée plénière qui les a réunis à Cotonou du 7 au 10 janvier, les évêques du Bénin ont lancé deux«appel ...
Dans son dernier essai, le philosophe Gaspard Kœnig cherche à «réconcilier nature et liberté». L’occasion d’interroger le penseur libéral, récemment converti à l’agroécologie, sur sa vision de ce que ...