Täna selgusid tänavused riigi teenetemärkide saajad, neid on kokku 157. Eesti Vabariik tänab iseseisvuspäeva eel oma ...
Mart Mägi is stepping down as CEO of the Estonian postal and logistics company Omniva. He will be replaced by Chief Innovation and Technology Officer (CITO) Martti Kuldma, the company announced ...
Eesti Post is seeking a strategy developer for approximately €200,000. Mart Mägi, CEO of Eesti Post/Omniva, stated that the company has proposed raising the minimum wage by an average of €30, or three ...
The first iteration of drones, set to form part of America’s “unmanned hellscape” strategy to be used against China in a potential war in the Taiwan Strait, is on track to meet its August ...
Today will be a dry and fine day with plenty of sunny spells. Areas of cloud will drift in from the west during the late afternoon and evening. Tonight This evening will have a few patches of ...
Eelmisel nädalal suri ERRi sporditoimetusele aastate jooksul tuhandeid uudislugusid filminud Tartu operaator Arvo Mägi (1947–2025). Avaldame ERRi loal nende sporditoimetaja Alvar Tiisleri järelehüüde: ...
Historic Cook County is pleased to introduce Catherine Mägi as its new executive director. Mägi started her professional career as a lawyer in Washington D.C. before changing her trajectory towards ...
Armastusfilmis „Aurora“ nimitegelast kehastanud Maarja Johanna Mägi oma ellu pööraseid armuseiklusi nagu filmis ei soovi. „Aurora“ võtteplatsil juhtus aga näitlejatariga veel midagi, mis pani teda ...
On Jan. 9, the Historical Society announced it had hired Catherine Mägi as its new executive director. The position had been vacant for nearly four months since the former executive director, Katie ...
Eelmisel nädalal suri ERR-i sporditoimetusele aastate jooksul tuhandeid uudislugusid filminud Tartu operaator Arvo Mägi (1947-2025). Alljärgnevalt ERR-i sporditoimetaja Alvar Tiisleri järelehüüe: ...
Rasmus Mägi oli samas, prantslasele isikliku rekordi 47,41 toonud MM-finaalis kaheksas. Kolmel viimasel tiitlivõistlusel on Happio aga piirdunud poolfinaaliga ning olnud sealjuures kahel erineval ...