Here's what the weather forecast shows for Punxsutawney Phil's prediction for Groundhog Day on Sunday morning.
Six more weeks of winter or an early spring? Who cares! No matter the prediction, Lipton Hard Iced Tea is bringing the sunshine to Groundhog Day in a BIG way. This year, the brand is shaking up ...
The weather-predicting groundhog celebrity has met two presidents and drinks a life-extending elixir: "Our Phil is like, ...
SUN PRAIRIE − The annual battle between more winter and an early spring will be once again settled in Sun Prairie this weekend by Jimmy the Groundhog. But what has Jimmy predicted in recent Sun ...
Where else do groundhogs predict the weather? Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, hosts a Groundhog Day celebration featuring Jimmy the Groundhog. The 77th annual Sun Prairie Groundhog Prognostication ...
Groundhog Day can be traced back to Candlemas ... Germans eventually adopted the idea that if the sun appeared on this day, a hedgehog would cast a shadow, symbolizing six more weeks of winter.
It’s been a long, cold and dreary winter, but have no fear. The world’s most famous groundhog is about to give us his ...
READ MORE: Official New Jersey Groundhog is still dead. Word to the wise: It's Groundhog Day, not Groundhog's Day, and not ...
With Groundhog Day set for Sunday, PETA issued a plea to save “exploited groundhog” Punxsutawney Phil.