Check out how you can get Old Coins in Dynasty Warriors Origins and use them to get Gold, Pyroxene, Accessories, and more.
Those unsure about which difficulty setting to choose in Dynasty Warriors: Origins will need to consider the pros and cons of each of the four modes. Completing every battle in Dynasty Warriors ...
These weapons change how the game is played by affecting how far you can attack, how fast you can hit, your ability to chain attacks, and how well you perform in different battle situations. Some ...
If one uses these as a basis to judge, then the following list of the best Dynasty Warriors characters can be formed. Dynasty Warriors 7 took the franchise into a bold new direction by not just ...
Tactics in Dynasty Warriors Origins are one of the main abilities that you can use to defeat legions of enemies. It lets you command the formation of all nearby troops and allies.
Dynasty Warriors Origins will be released globally in a few days. However, it is already available as Early Access for those who pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe edition. The game features stunning ...
In this guide, we’ve pulled together a Dynasty Warriors Origins mission list covering the story, optional quests, and requests. It’s currently complete, but we’ll keep adding them in as we ...
Although featuring a much smaller list of weapons to choose from compared to other entries in the franchise, Dynasty Warriors Origins is still home to a solid arsenal. There are nine different ...
This roguelike has cemented itself as one of gaming's best titles in recent memory. As the title suggests, Hades revolves ...
Every since the Dynasty Warriors franchise first debuted, it has become very common for Koei to offer their services to other companies and produce spinoff titles which combine Dynasty Warriors ...