PHOENIX (AZFamily) — After over a year and a half of construction, a new habitat at the Phoenix Zoo will be opening its doors to the public! The Phoenix Zoo announced that its brand new habitat ...
The Phoenix Zoo lost one of its longtime residents this week. Sierra, a mountain lion, was humanely euthanized due to ...
Zoo staff made the difficult choice to euthanize one of the zoo’s two female mountain lions, Sierra, earlier in the week.
The Phoenix Zoo lost its beloved mountain lion, Sierra, who was humanely euthanized this week after dealing with advanced renal failure. The Reid Park Zoo had to humanely euthanize their African lion, ...
(Courtesy of the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance via A brand new wallaby joey was spotted at the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance’s Down Under exhibit. (Courtesy of the Denver Zoo ...
Kaya, an African lion that had been at Tucson’s Reid Park Zoo since 2009, was euthanized last week after a degenerative spinal disease made movement difficult, officials said. Kaya had been at the zoo ...
The cubs', Fern, Thistle, and Spruce, are about 10 months old and are 'relatively healthy' despite living without their mom for two weeks Oakland Zoo Three orphaned mountain lion cubs are in the ...
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — The City of El Paso invites people to the zoo on Saturday as mountain lions are set to predict who will win Super Bowl LIX. At 1 p.m., the El Paso Zoo mountain ...
“While there were many witnesses of the mountain lion after it was hit, the carcass has since disappeared and is still being investigated,” the Oakland Zoo said in a statement. “As su ...
Three mountain lion cubs, believed to have been orphaned after their mother was killed by a car, are currently recovering at the Oakland Zoo in California. Fern, Thistle and Spruce were found by ...