Even seasoned therapists can find themselves set on edge by a client’s exquisite sensitivity and exhausted by a desperate wavering between longing for closeness and ...
You’ll get LIVE streaming of the entire 2-day summit... PLUS! The entire post-summit recording – available unlimited and on-demand. This unmissable summit is the place to be to get the latest insights ...
Having treated children and adolescents for over four decades, I have never seen an anxiety epidemic quite like this. Whether it's divorce and family breakdowns, school stress and expectations, ...
Just the word menopause can fill our clients with dread – and the symptoms can make them feel like they’re losing control of their bodies, their minds and their sexual wellness. But now in this free ...
Earn up to 15 CPD Hours! Access and CPD details provided 2-3 weeks after live event.
Your heart rate increases, your palms get sweaty. You're nervous in session because your client's problems are so significant and pervasive that you don't know what to do. You're not alone... Complex ...
As treating professionals, it’s no wonder we lie awake at night trying to figure out how to help our young clients. From increased depression, anxiety, worry, and trauma symptoms to fear related to ...
You know how deeply trauma impacts your client's mind, body, and emotions — and how difficult healing can be. You have clients who are constantly (and unpredictably) triggered by their traumatic ...
When clients have overt and hidden trauma, knowing what to treat first, when, and how can be overwhelming... The slightest mistake can derail therapy or profoundly hurt your traumatized clients ...
Learn how to apply the latest research on MI in practical language for your patients. Gain specific skills that will help you get patients with diverse and complex problems to take accountability and ...
Wouldn’t it be great if grief came wrapped up in a tidy little package? What if we could watch grief progress in a predictable, linear fashion, following set and pre-determined timelines?