A global Commission, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and endorsed by more than 75 medical organizations ...
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine and New York's Columbia University have embedded transistors in a soft, ...
A University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) study proves that the WIN55.212-2 drug protects the brain and reverses the ...
When sound waves reach the inner ear, neurons there pick up the vibrations and alert the brain. Encoded in their signals is a ...
Health-risk behaviors such as binge drinking, drug use, and violence are common among college students. These issues are ...
With the holidays behind us, many Americans are seeing the numbers on the scale go up a pound or two. In fact, data shows ...
A popular diabetes drug may provide protection against skin cancers, a new study says. Metformin significantly reduces people ...
How much money does the public sector invest in the development of medicines? The Austrian Institute for Health Technology ...
A study by researchers at Wayne State University links exposure to air pollution to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
People who get divorced tend to have higher genetic predispositions for psychiatric disorders, even if they never develop ...