Kirkuk, a multi-ethnic province contested by Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens, is already burdened with unresolved demographic and ...
Indie Rights has acquired worldwide sales rights to Johnny Greenlaw's 'The Refugee,' a drama exploring themes of immigration ...
Iraq does not plan to set up camps in the country for incoming Lebanese refugees fleeing war in their homeland, an Iraqi ...
Iraq’s support is mainly directed at Lebanese Shiites and the families of Hezbollah fighters, with refugees from other sects ...
Lebanon’s ambassador to Iraq on Tuesday commended Iraqi authorities for welcoming thousands of Lebanese refugees fleeing the ...
Ali Husseini, head of media affairs at the Husayniyya board, announced that more than 2,000 Lebanese refugees have been ...
Lebanon was already on its knees before this conflict escalated, said Vivian Yee in The New York Times. It had endured years ...
Religious oppression has skyrocketed since 2020, when 80 million people were forcibly displaced and 260 million Christians ...
It just helped my soul heal; it made me feel at home even though I’m not necessarily at home… It gave me a place to belong,” said Muntadher, an 18-year-old resettled refugee from Iraq. He was ...
Since the start of the conflict, hundreds of Lebanese refugees have crossed the Iraqi-Syrian border daily, with Iraq announcing it would welcome them. Various civil society and Shiite religious ...
Starring Demián Castro, Dina Najjar, Alanis Santiago, Chuck Fusca, Rasheda Isaac, Erin Cline, Kelly Karavites, Andy Gion and Bryan Bachman, “The Refugee” tells the story of Eva, an Iraqi ...