Title IX, Department of Education and sexual orientation

President Donald Trump’s Department of Education has told K-12 schools and higher learning institutions that Title IX protections will be recognized on the basis of biological sex.
The guidance bolsters the rights of students accused of sexual misconduct and scraps Biden-era rules extending protections to ...
The outgoing leadership in the Department of Education finally issued guidance on Title IX's application to NIL compensation.
Montana Supreintendent of Public Instruction SUsis HedalenToday, the U.S. Department of Education announced they are ...
The Department of Education announced it is investigating Denver Public Schools for changing a girl's bathroom into an all ...
Schools and universities responding to complaints of sexual misconduct must return to policies created by former Education ...
Last year, the Biden Administration extended Title IX protections so students who are discriminated against based on gender identity would be protected. On Friday, Craig Trainor, acting assistant ...
The new Title IX law defines "'sex' to mean the objective, immutable characteristic of being born male or female" and only protects students that identify as such.